AUCKLAND, Monday: Campaign Brief Australia reports: “NZ photographer Spid Pye and Auckland agency BCG2’s Jed’s Coffee campaign There’s a Jed’s For Every Taste has been selected for Lurzers Archive Vol. 3+4 2020.
Pye told the Aussie paper that the challenge was to create a character-driven concept to match the Jed’s coffee strength numbering system.”
“The BCG2 campaign ran in street posters, billboards, mall panels, bus shelters, social and banners.”
As one of New Zealand’s leading advertising photographers, this is not the first time he has been mentioned in the Lürzer’s Archive — he was also selected amongst the 200 Best Ad Photographers in the 20/21 Annual.
The Jed’s campaign ran in NZ as street posters, digital billboards, mall panels, bus shelters, social and banners.
- Read the full story here
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