March 12, 2025


In a world where nearly everyone is always online, there is no offline.

Biden-Ardern good for ad-biz

AUCKLAND, Today: The arrival on the world stage of president-elect Joe Biden – looking more presidential by the minute – is great news not only for the downtrodden, but for the business world in general … and NZ in particular.

Under Trump, it was always about White America first and closed borders.

Biden will create a new America where blacks, Asians, and whites stand side by side striving for peace and prosperity, with their neighbours.

“The return of hope in the world should create a climate for democracy and trade to flourish under the guidance of people like Jacinda Ardern & Jo Biden.”

Which brings us to the media and the ad/comms sector – both ripe for new directions, and renewed streams of revenue. The revival of real hope in the world should create a warm climate for democracy and free trade to flourish under the guiding hands of people like Jacinda Ardern & Jo Biden.

Roll on 2021!

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