Every year, StopPress asks players in the local industry for their reflections on the year that was. Here’s what Sinead Boucher, CEO at Stuff, had to say.
- Favourite local story
Tā Mātou Pono (Our Truth), Stuff’s examination of our own history. AND Emma, Stuff Circuit’s wonderful, incredible documentary about one of our own staff members. Must-watch holiday viewing!
- Favourite international story
A close tie between vaccines approved for Covid-19 and Donald Trump losing the US election.
- Least favourite story
Can’t remember. I’ve blocked them all from my memory.
- Pick three words to describe 2020
Worrying, thrilling, interminable.
- Most memorable moment from lockdown?
Buying a company in my pyjamas and slippers.
- First thing you did in Level 1?
Go to see my dear mum and dad in Christchurch.
- First place you’ll travel to when borders open?
Cook Islands.
- Heroes of 2020
All the people who worked on the Covid response. All the people who came up with inventive ideas to support local businesses.
- Villains of 2020
The world leaders who displayed that ego, machismo and bluster get you nowhere when fighting a virus.
- What have you learnt about the world this year?
We are not very good at learning the lessons of history.
- What personality trait got you in the most trouble this year?
- What achievement are you most proud of this year?
Keeping our staff employed and our publications strong in an era where good journalism is more vital than ever.
- Silver lining of 2020?
The whole family spending so much time together during lockdown. I loved it.
- Best brands of 2020
Stuff and all our newspapers of course!
- Lamest trend of 2020
People not using the Covid Tracer app.
- Best innovation
It’s nerdy, but I loved the story about the AI Deepmind being able to map the shape of protein. It really made me think about the real potential for huge scientific and creative advances in the next few years.
- What died in 2020?
I think (hope) my 13yo car is almost dead which means I can get a new EV next year.
- Guilty Netflix obsession?
Christmas movies.
- Twitter or Instagram?
- What should be uninvented?
If I say scorched almonds, I would be ending the year much thinner. But sadder.
- What’s the biggest mistake journalists will make in 2021?
I think we are all at risk of thinking through the lens of “going back” to normal post Covid. Instead, we need to think about the huge leap forward that is possible when we consider the innovation that Covid forced upon us when we couldn’t travel or get together, with what is possible once we can. It is going to be amazing.

Year in Review is brought to you by Discovery New Zealand.
The post Year in Review: Sinead Boucher, Stuff appeared first on stoppress.co.nz.
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