March 12, 2025


In a world where nearly everyone is always online, there is no offline.

ACC launches injury prevention campaign

It’s estimated that 90 percent of all injuries are preventable – so ACC in partnership with VMLY&R and OMD have created a new campaign, Preventable, challenging Kiwis to assess the risks at home, work and play.

Isaac Carlson, the Head of Injury Prevention at ACC, says Preventable aims to improve the wellbeing of New Zealanders by decreasing the number of injuries and reducing the severity of injuries.

“We are challenging all New Zealanders to have a ‘Hmmm’.

“It’s important to take a moment to think about what they are about to do and think about what could go wrong to prevent injury.

“We want people to be out there and doing the things that they love, and living life to the full, but we also want to collectively change our mindset on preventing injury.”

Preventable was informed by significant qualitative and quantitative research which identified four key attitudes to risk – Opportunity, Nurturer, Excitement and Attentive.

“We’ve learnt a lot about how the people of Aotearoa think about risk and injury, and what might get them to think and act differently.”

The campaign is a long-term and sustained approach to preventing injury and appears in the form of two hero 45 second TV ads as well as radio and online. 

One of the videos shows a man considering jumping from a waterfall and another depicts a woman looking to kill a mosquito with her jandal while balancing on her dresser. 

Kim Pick, VMLY&R Executive Creative Director, says: “It’s been a privilege for our team to collaborate with ACC and multiple research and production partners on this significant and meaningful mahi.

“It has the potential to create huge impact in our society and be world-leading in its approach to behaviour change and injury prevention.” 

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