AUCKLAND, Friday: Special Group & Tourism NZ have launched what they call “a new holiday season”, Recharge Season, which aims to encourage Kiwis to book a holiday that will leave them feeling refreshed and ready for the year ahead.
The new season is in response to a Tourism NZ survey that revealed almost half of Kiwis feel that 2020 has impacted their levels of fatigue more than any year in recent memory, and almost a third of New Zealanders finished their summer holidays still feeling worn out.
“The fully integrated campaign includes television, radio, out-of-home, digital, social media and PR.”
Special ceo Tony Bradbourne said: “Research indicates that to recover from fatigue and stress, people need to engage in activities which produce positive emotions and boost their sense of autonomy, relatedness, and competence. This includes participating in creative, physical, social and intellectual activities.”
“Travel holidays are known to boost overall wellbeing. Visiting new places and engaging in local cultural activities decreases stress, boosts life satisfaction and enhances people’s perspectives on their life, resilience and creativity.”
The fully integrated marketing communications campaign includes television, radio, out-of-home, digital, social media and PR.
Recharge Season will run till June 6.
Client: Tourism New Zealand
Agency: Special Group
Production Company: Reel Factory
Director: Charlotte Evans
Audio: Native Audio
Media Agency: Stanley Street
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