March 10, 2025


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Heart Foundation, Dentsu NZ unveil new campaign

The Heart Foundation has launched a public awareness campaign developed by Dentsu NZ which highlights the warning signs of a heart attack and addresses the ‘she’ll be right’ approach Kiwis are renowned for when it comes to their health. 

Heart Foundation Medical Director Dr Gerry Devlin says: “If someone is short of breath, feeling off colour, fatigued and has a sore arm, chest or upper back, they may shrug it off or try to push through it. The warning signs are sometimes subtle.

“We don’t want to make a fuss, or we’re too busy looking after others than looking after ourselves are attitudes we hear often.

“One busy Mum was unknowingly having a heart attack, however she was in the middle of the ‘school run’ so she pushed through it.” 

Heart disease is New Zealand’s single biggest killer, claiming the lives of over 6,700 Kiwis annually – one person every 90 minutes. 

Devlin says heart attacks can happen to anyone at any stage of their life, and acting quickly and calling 111 will help save lives and prevent further heart damage. 

The symptoms for women can also be different to men, with women presenting with more sweating, dizziness and nausea than men. 

The Heart Foundation’s previous heart attack awareness campaign first aired in 2015. Viewers were asked to decide who was giving the best rendition of a heart attack. The answer – the man on the bench in the background of the ad – surprised many viewers. 

The campaign built strong awareness around the real symptoms of a heart attack, which may not be as dramatic as people think. 

It’s hoped the messaging in this latest campaign will help save more lives and improve the outcomes for Kiwis experiencing a heart attack.

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