SYDNEY, Today: Former Colenso chief creative officer Levi Slavin is leaving Auckland to return to the land of his birth, joining Aussie start-up Howatson+Company Sydney as CCO.
Agency ceo Chris Howatson told Aussie media he’s known Slavin for some years (both are ex Clemenger Group).
“I can’t wait to return home to Australia and get started.”
Slavin told AU reporters: “Chris’ vision for the agency is extraordinary. It’s the only model I’ve come across that will keep up with culture, the needs of brands, and return some humanity to our industry.
“I can’t wait to return home to Australia and get started.”
Slavin joined Colenso BBDO in November, 2009 as deputy CD from Saatchi & Saatchi London, eventually elevated to CD six months later. Before the London gig, he worked at Saatchi & Saatchi Auckland.
Slavin will take up his new role in January 2022.
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