March 18, 2025


In a world where nearly everyone is always online, there is no offline.

Flora for the concrete jungle

AUCKLAND, Today: Fresh out of Auckland’s Level 4 lockdown. This campaign is running nationwide on the Phantom Billstickers network – there are eight posters in the series about inclusivity, togetherness, hope and importantly vaccinations.

Phantom ceo Robin McDonnell said: “Vaccinations are absolutely one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine, and they are a huge part of the solution to control and live with the ongoing pandemic.

“So we thought, we’ve got the largest and most effective urban outdoor advertising network in NZ, our audience are engaged, smart enough to make up their own minds and they really appreciate it when we bring a little flora to the concrete jungle.

“We decided to use our spare inventory to spread a vaccine positive message. We were just missing a series of visual representations that helped make our point.

“The executive director of Amplifier is Cleo Barnett, a former Kiwi creative troublemaker who made a lasting mark on the NZ arts scene.”

“Enter Amplifier, a US based non-profit design lab that builds art and media experiments to amplify the most important movements of our times.

“We reached out to the team at Amplifier with our idea and got a resounding YES! Turns out the executive director of Amplifier is Cleo Barnett a former Kiwi creative troublemaker who made a lasting mark on the NZ arts scene before taking on the world in her role at Amplifier.

“From hundreds of inspired poster designs, we selected artwork focussed on inclusivity and hope. Not every poster is about vaccination because hope & kindness is almost as important as getting a vaccine right now. Almost!

These posters are being displayed on our nationwide network over the coming weeks.

“It’s great to see other media spreading a vaccine positive message, like NZME with their 90% campaign. As a collective industry, the more we can amplify this message out to the population through different channels and creative messaging, the sooner we can return to a new normal.”

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