March 13, 2025


In a world where nearly everyone is always online, there is no offline.

Pitchblack, Sanitarium lodge formal compliments over Light ‘n’ Tasty

Sanitarium is encouraging Kiwis to make formal compliments about its two new Light ‘n’ Tasty flavours, Blueberry and Nut-Lovers, both with 25 percent less sugar than the original Light ‘n’ Tasty range.

Kiwis just love to compliment on all sorts of forums. Whether it’s complimenting Hilary Barry on her outfits, complimenting politicians, or even complimenting new product flavours, Kiwis are addicted to complimenting. So Pitchblack thought they’d feature two classic compliment-ers in their spot and really let them loose.

Pitchblack itself will be lodging a formal compliment about Pitchblack with the ASA later this week.

Any formal compliments from the wider industry can be filed in the comment section below.

Channels: TV, Video on Demand and OOH.


Client: Sanitarium Health Food Company

Creative agency – Pitchblack Partners

Production company – JetBlack

Director – Johnny Barker

Sound Design – Liquid Studios

Media – PHD

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