New Zealand based design agency Strategy Creative signed off 2021 in style. As part of their annual award winning Christmas Paper there was one design that really stood out.
Cleverly named ‘YIA — Year In Acronyms’ this poster style Christmas Paper looked to showcase that year that has been in a way that reflects the current time we are living in. These acronyms pay homage to iconic moments and events from 2021. Drawing references from a wide range of news, current affairs, celebrities and iconic sporting moments.
The poster cleverly weaves in the key moments that made up 2021. Some reference iconic airport codes LHR (London Has Restrictions), JFK (Just F$ #Ked), ZQN (Zoom Quality Non-existent) and NYC (New Year’s Celebrations). As well as moments that we wished never happened, ELP (England Lose on Penalties) and PSC (Protesters Storm Capitol).
“YIA gives us a different memory everytime we engage with it. Like the year that has just past we all have different parts that will stick in our minds long into the future. Whether it’s’ the moments we have all been waiting for like the FRS (Friends Reunion Show) and the moments we can’t quite believe happened HLR (Harry Leaves Royals) and KDK (Kim Divorces Kanye), or the moments that unexpectedly bought the world to its knees SCB (Suez Canal Blocked) and WFO (Word Facebook Outage),” the agency says.
“For us the power of acronyms are the ones that entered our common lexicon like NFT (Non-Fungible Token) in 2021. You can view these in detail as they are revealed on instagram (@YearInAcronyms) and see what acronyms will make up 2022’s version.”
Agency: Strategy Creative
Printer: Spectrum Print
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