March 10, 2025


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Gerety Awards judging in NZ?

PARIS, Today: “Dear Ed,” writes Gerety Awards cofounder Joe Brooks, “I wanted to send you my thoughts on a judging session in New Zealand.

“As you know each year, we choose 10 different cities and then we physically gather (covid-dependent) people from that city to judge entries from around the world as well as choose their country’s agency of the year.

“The total jury should not exceed 15 persons. As you know Gerety is all-female jury and importantly the work being judged is all types of advertising.

“Past winners have reflected that of other major award shows – with one important difference, being a Gerety winner is proof that the work resonates with women.

“You gave me a couple or great names in the past. DDB Aoteroa CD Christie Cooper [now CD at The Monkeys] and Stanley Street CD Kim Ellison [now CD at the TW Group Napier].

“We would also look to recruit, clients, production, and strategists to ensure we have a broad jury of creative leaders.

“We are now asking readers for nominations. Contact with your thoughts.”

“What I wanted to ask is, more broadly male and female-wise, who should I talk to in New Zealand to ensure that we include on the jury the women that are most respected by the big hitters of the New Zealand ad industry?

“Secondly our judging sessions are followed by jury insight panels.

“For these we partner with the country’s leading press title and have the editor interview a few of the judges about their favourite works. Is this something you would be interested in doing?

“The next stage for me is really chatting to as many different people from associations to agency leaders and ensure we can put together a great jury.

“Thank you in advance for any advice and help, and hope we can spotlight the amazing Kiwi talent.”

M+AD is now asking readers for nominations and ideas – to share with Joe Brooks. Please contact with your thoughts.

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