March 11, 2025


In a world where nearly everyone is always online, there is no offline.

For he’s a jolly good Fellow!

AUCKLAND, Today: The Media Design School – home of AdSchool – has appointed Andy Blood as its Industry Fellow for its postgraduate programmes. MDS dean of design Scott Thompson Whiteside said: “Andy is a fearless creator and serial innovator.

“He brings global industry experiences from leading organisations combining creativity, design and technology that is a perfect fit for our students and us.”

Design & creative tech GM Darryn Melrose said: “Andy will be an inspirational leader for our staff and students and an important connection to industry to ensure we remain leaders in educating industry-ready graduates.”

“My relationship with MDS stretches back to the early 2000s, with my first hires now being global leaders in creativity and technology.”

At MDS and its sister institution Torrens University Australia, Blood will lead the next generation of creative entrepreneurs.

Blood said: “I’m here to bring the full force of everything I’ve learnt to bear on these subjects. And to galvanise a network of allies and advocates throughout the global creative and technology industries, to the benefit of the students.

“My relationship with MDS stretches back to the early 2000s, with my first hires now being global leaders in creativity and technology.”

AdSchool programme director Kate Humphries said: “Knowing that Andy is going to be playing an in-house role in the Creative Advertising programme and – more importantly – also representing Torrens University in Australia, a proud partner with MDS, is exciting for the whole organisation.”

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