March 13, 2025


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Run’s Raymond Otene Mckay to judge Spikes Asia 2023

AUCKLAND, Today: Spikes Asia have announced their jury for 2023, with Run chief creative officer Raymond Otene McKay appointed to the panel of industry experts.

McKay (Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Rongomaiwahine and Ngaati Maahuta) will be one of 110 jurors from across Asia Pacific. He will sit on the Direct and Outdoor jury.

Setting the benchmark for creativity, marketing strategy and effectiveness, this will be the first time since 2019 juries will return to in-person judging held in Singapore in February 2023.

“I’m excited to to be able to share my indigenous lens as a Māori creative.”

Mckay said: “I’m excited to see some amazing mahi coming out of the Asia Pacific region, and not only that, to be able to share my indigenous lens as a Māori creative.”

Spikes Asia Award entries are open now, with the final deadline of 19 January 2023.

About Run
Run is a Māori-owned, internationally award-winning creative agency. It focuses on creating quality strategy and solutions for organisations, iwi and government. We bridge the gap between te ao Māori and the advertising and design world.

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