AUCKLAND, Today: is changing the game by inviting private landlords onto its platform, providing a cost-effective way to find tenants.
This move aims to level the playing field dominated by one major competitor. CEO Sarah Wood emphasises its importance for landlords, offering access to a dedicated platform in line with the company’s mission of empowering property seekers.
“We want to support people in their property journey. Until recently, the rental listings marketplace has been dominated by one player and the price of rental advertising has gone up exponentially in recent years.”
The platform introduces an initial rate of $ 5 per listing* and a standard fee of $ 49, providing private landlords with an online listing option significantly cheaper than the main competitor.
Launched before Google in 1996, stands as New Zealand’s oldest property website, exclusively dedicated to real estate transactions.
“We believe property can be a key driver of lifestyle. We have always strived to provide a valuable service at a reasonable price point.
“Ultimately, we are always looking for ways to make the journey of buying, renting, leasing or just browsing property easier and more enjoyable.”
“For renters, this will also open our site to a new section of the market and means more options when they’re looking for their next rental property,” Wood explains.
The company is offering renters a chance to win a $ 20,000 housewarming gift pack, featuring free broadband, prizes, and financial assistance. Saving a listing on by May 12th qualifies you for the draw.
Additionally, renters benefit from personalised search options and instant notifications on the site, giving them an advantage in finding their next property.
Wood emphasises the significance of instant notifications in a tight rental market: “We know the rental market is extremely competitive … this feature allows people to get ahead of the competition.
“We’ve heard stories of people getting in touch with agents and property managers within minutes of seeing a new listing. They’ve been able to get their foot in the door first for viewings and progress a lot quicker than others.”
“Ultimately, we are always looking for ways to make the journey of buying, renting, leasing or just browsing property easier and more enjoyable” adds Wood.
*Offer is available for private rental listings only and valid until 30/09/2024
The ultimate $ 20,000 renter’s housewarming gift promotion runs from 02/04/2024 – 12/05/2024. For more information and terms and conditions click here.
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