Seven months ago, Toyota unveiled season one of its original anime series Grip. The five-episode series follows male protagonist Jae...
Walmart is schooling parents in what their kids actually like. A new five-minute spot, titled "School Style Decoded," is a...
Social media companies don't want to be called "social media" anymore. Plus: Claritas has hired Jefferies as a banker and...
Taco Bell has the power to take over on social media, and it's time to taco bout it. CMO Taylor...
In 2023, climate publisher The Cool Down set a goal of reaching 10 million monthly unique visitors, aiming to prove...
In 2002, Tamara Littleton founded her agency, Emoderation, to help brands create communities online. That was before the era of...
Every brand is tempted to create its own version of Timberland's new tagline, "This Is Not a Boot." Whether that...
Fast food giant McDonald's latest campaign in Eastern Europe focuses on relaying the brand's appeal to less likely audiences. The...
As any stateside ’90s kid can attest, backpack brand JanSport reigned supreme in the late ’90s and 2000s. Now, what’s...
Climate publisher called The Cool Down, launched in July by cofounder of Bleacher Report, Dave Finocchio, reached more than 1...