Nielsen’s been through the wringer this year. After underreporting local TV viewing during the pandemic, long-standing frustrations in the television...
Brandspank faces the doubters head on with a new campaign for Winton’s Sunfield development. “Sometimes it’s best to just speak...
There’s a talent crunch bearing down on the digital advertising ecosystem. Agencies, brands and publishers are struggling to manage an...
What does ad tech have in common with analytics for virtual meetings? More than you might think, according to former...
What is privacy? Turns out, there’s no easy answer, even for David Temkin, Google’s senior director of product management for...
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Sting Like A VAB Days after the Media Rating...
David Droga will succeed Brian Whipple as the chief executive officer of Accenture Interactive while also holding the role of...
Subscribe to AdExchanger Talks on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, SoundCloud or wherever you listen to podcasts. DoubleVerify went public...
Industrious fans of Schitt's Creek have been cobbling together their own versions of the characters' memorable outfits since the beloved...
For the first time in years, David has a CCO in its flagship Miami office. Rafael Donato, a five-year veteran...