AUCKLAND, Wednesday: oOh!media is getting behind Men’s Health Week by encouraging men to take an online test for mental &...
Facebook committed $ 20 million to multiyear initiative the Alliance for Advancing Health Online, which is being spearheaded by the...
As Pride Month kicks off this year, many brands are again facing well-deserved accusations of "rainbow-washing" and insincerity from the...
Purdue Pharma's reckoning over the company's promotion of OxyContin contributing to an opioid epidemic has spread to the company's marketing...
Pinterest detailed several ways it is marking Mental Health Awareness Month in May. The company said a recent survey by...
Facebook is marking World Health Day Wednesday by teaming up with UNICEF and the World Health Organization on a worldwide...
NZME’s ‘The Country’ has launched its second Rural Mental Health Week with the aim of getting more New Zealanders from...
If there's one thing all ad creatives aspire to create, it's a dream sequence. While arguably overused across the history...
Ron Lewis has left McCann Health to take the group creative director position at Grey Health & Wellness, where he...
Mozilla released its Internet Health Report 2020 Thursday, focusing on what it called "an online ecosystem that is increasingly compromised...