Editor's note: This piece is part of our Columnist Network series, which explores the tactical thoughts and actions from Adweek's...
"Loudly & Proudly Latin?" is Pinterest's theme for its Hispanic Heritage Month initiatives, aimed at highlighting the wide range of...
For another year, Instagram has released new stickers celebrating Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month, which users can add to their...
TikTok is moving full speed ahead with its celebration of Latinx and Hispanic Heritage Month. The video creation platform wrote...
Snap Inc. teamed up with several APIDA creatives to continue marking Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month with a...
Snapchatters plan to use the month of May, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, to educate themselves and become...
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month kicks off Saturday (May 1), and TikTok is already prepared with features, programming...
TikTok will mark Arab American Heritage Month in April by showcasing dance, history, music, recipes and stories from its Arab...
Scottish whisky brand The Glenlivet has unveiled a new global campaign by Crispin Porter Bogusky London that spotlights the brand's...
AUCKLAND, Tuesday: Mango and DDB Design have helped Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Properties launch its first commercial residential development with an...