Apple is touting the filmmaking capabilities of its iPhone 16 Pro with "Capture," a short film that debuted Monday. Aoife...
Apple captured the unique expressions of 30 babies for an especially cute installment of its long-running and celebrated "Shot on...
Apple is setting high expectations for its Vision Pro spatial computer by previewing the device's Feb. 2 launch with an...
Ahead of the release of Apple's iPhone 15 on Sept. 22, Verizon partnered with musician J Balvin to launch Catch...
Olivia Rodrigo's latest music video was shot entirely on the new iPhone 15 Pro, with Apple's creative agency quickly dropping...
In cinema, a camera tells us a lot more about characters than we often realize. The way a shot lingers...
If it seems counterintuitive that a pioneering technology company would latch onto one of the oldest and often most analog...
Facebook has been selling itself short. A bug in Facebook’s measurement system caused Facebook to undercount app install campaigns on...
We've all had that moment that seems to move in slow motion as we see disaster looming for our smartphones...
There’s always fanfare when Apple releases its new iPhones every September, as the company is expected to do at its...