Wavemaker has named Spencer Koch as its new head of office alongside Mariel Cummins as group director, client lead to...
NZME has announced two changes to its Executive Leadership team, with Chief Digital Officer Laura Maxwell resigning from the business...
Global agency The community is promoting managing director Marci Miller to U.S. president as it takes a broader approach with...
Name an LGBTQ+ CEO. I'll wait. Aside Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, who came out in 2014, there are only...
Kelly-Ann Maxwell has been named the CEO of Ogilvy Network NZ, bringing Ogilvy’s global offerings of Advertising, Brand and Content,...
AUCKLAND, Today: Ogilvy Network New Zealand has unveiled its new management structure, featuring Kelly-Ann Maxwell (KAM) as ceo. New appointments include...
Auckland-based tourism marketing agency Maverick Digital continues its growth trajectory with the appointments of Grant Colquhoun and Stu Lill to...
Inspired by our coveted award by the same name, Adweek presents a new livestream video series hosted by Chief Content...
PHD Media has announced the promotion of Abby Parkin to PHD General Manager and the appointment of Nigel Cherrie to...
Like a lot of companies, a year ago Washington Post Live pivoted from in-person events to virtual interviews in response...