Paramount is shuttering its Paramount Television Studios division and transitioning all current PTVS and development projects to CBS Studios, according...
The lifestyle and beauty publisher Coveteur is shuttering, according to two people present on the Wednesday Zoom call where this...
Laptop fans can rest a little easier. Some of the most notorious made-for-advertising websites on the internet are now no...
Entertainment publisher BuzzFeed Inc. quietly shuttered Catalyst, the audience network originally launched by Complex Media in March 2020, over the...
Less than a year after its debut, Snap will discontinue its AR Enterprise Services (ARES) unit. Launched in March 2023,...
Yahoo is shutting down its supply-side platform and pivoting its ad-tech business to focus on its demand-side platform, CEO Jim...
The live performance publisher Pop-Up Magazine, whose on-stage storytelling spanned reported narratives, personal essays and spoken-word poetry since its launch...