Following a series of competitive pitches, Motion Sickness has successfully expanded its client roster by welcoming Sorted (Te Ara Ahunga...
Motion Sickness, founded in a Dunedin student flat in 2013, is already making waves in the industry and has taken...
SINGAPORE, Last night: Special was a strong presence at the Campaign Asia Agency of the Year show, with 12 awards...
AUCKLAND, Monday: Motion Sickness this week launched Fire & Emergency NZ’s You’re Cooked; an integrated public safety campaign that gives...
Fire & Emergency New Zealand this week launched You’re Cooked; an integrated public safety campaign that gives New Zealand’s ‘under...
HONG KONG, Tuesday: Special, Colenso BBDO, DDB Aotearoa, Motion Sickness, and TBWA\NZ have made it onto the shortlist list for...
Distilled on the edge of the earth in Central Otago, Scapegrace whisky sees the new day before the rest of...
AUCKLAND, Wednesday: After a receiving a record number of entries, Lumo has announced that Andrew Hathaway and Kelly France of...
An innovative campaign for Melanoma New Zealand that used LUMO’s DOOH technology to display a ‘live skin burn reading’ has...
As temperatures fell and utility bills rose this winter, Frank*Energy followed its successful rebrand with a new retail campaign via...