Potato chip brand Pringles aims to rewrite history as it explains in its latest campaigns that humans evolved simply to...
"The Sell Sider" is a column written by the sell side of the digital media community. Today's column is written...
The “Big Tent” Backlash The IAB announced last week that advertising and media agencies will now be able to join...
"On TV & Video" is a column exploring opportunities and challenges in advanced TV and video. Today's column is by...
There is a common theme running through many of the latest Christmas ads. After the pandemic blighted last year's holiday...
Is ad tech’s cookieless future bright or bleak? “We are about to find out,” said Boris Mouzykantskii, CEO and co-founder...
Is ad tech’s cookieless future bright or bleak? “We are about to find out,” said Boris Mouzykantskii, CEO and co-founder...
Nike's message of athletic unity, launched during one of the most divisive summers in American history, has won the Emmy...
By default, Twitter allows a user's followers to see the Spaces they're currently listening to. However, users have the ability...
More and more ecommerce sales are preceded by paid product listings. The advance of ecommerce advertising in the past year...