AUCKLAND, Today: JCDecaux NZ and oOh!media NZ have entered into an arrangement where the JCDecaux-developed out-of-home audience measurement platform Calibre will become jointly owned by both parties, in a funding model similar to Australia and other global industry measurement systems.
JCD NZ country hear Mike Watkins said: “The move will cement Calibre’s position as the industry-wide audience measurement solution and pave the way for further enhancements in the future.
“Calibre was created by JCDecaux in 2017 to provide the industry with a robust out-of-home planning and measurement tool, delivering unprecedented transparency and accountability for advertisers’ campaigns.
“Since its inception, JCDecaux’s goal for the platform was for it to become the currency for industry-wide out-of-home audience measurement.
“The sale of 50% of Calibre has achieved just that, with the platform now endorsed by NZ’s Out of Home Media Association Aotearoa (OOHMAA) as the singular out-of-home audience measurement platform.
“JCDecaux and oOh!media are also working with a number of new members who are planning to join Calibre.
“JCD and oOh! are also working with a number of new members who are planning to join Calibre.”
“The continued enhancement of Calibre is a priority for JCDecaux, oOh!media and all OOHMAA members, who are being engaged on development plans.
“The companies are collectively collaborating with developers, Reach Media, to deliver a comprehensive two-year road map for Calibre’s ongoing development, including how Calibre will deliver audience standardisation for programmatic platforms with the intent that this road map will be shared with the market in the coming months.
“The latest Calibre development delivers the ability to calculate net reach at the geographic level appropriate to the campaign, whether it be at a local, metropolitan or regional level. For example, if a campaign contains multiple sites within a metropolitan area, a metropolitan reach percentage will be presented, whereas if an individual site in a small town is selected, a local reach percentage will be displayed.
”The main benefit of this feature is that it increases the relevance and granularity of audience reporting.
“Calibre has been promoted as the potential industry standard as it is the most appropriate, accurate and up to date data science platform for New Zealand, taking into consideration the dynamic of our urban and provincial population distribution. Also, the platform is both future proofed and has capacity for further development.
“This move solidifies Calibre as the industry currency measurement tool and the platform to unify the industry.
“Nick Vile: ‘Calibre emerged as the key candidate for a sector-unifying tool’.”
“We are delighted that oOh!media has chosen to invest in Calibre and that there has been a great amount of collaboration both within the industry and among out-of-home suppliers to make Calibre the success it is.
“We look forward to working together to grow the out-of-home industry,” Watkins said.
oOh!media NZ GM Nick Vile said: “The industry has been on an audience measurement journey for some time, with many options considered either at a sector level or as proprietary tools.
“The consistent feedback we have received from the market is that standardisation of audience metrics for the sector is critical to our continued success.
“Calibre emerged as the key candidate for a sector unifying tool because of the robustness of the data inputs and supporting methodologies. Drawing on multiple data sources, it is truly holistic in its view of how people move around our country’s metropolitan areas.
“We are pleased to now be on this journey with JCDecaux, and along with other OOHMAA members see this development as the stepping stone to true unification and long-lasting benefits for our industry.”
About JCDecaux
JCDecaux worldwide (incorporated in France) has 1 million advertising panels in 80 countries and more than 13,000 employees. For FY19, JCDecaux reported revenue of approximately €3,890 million. JCDecaux’s AUNZ has 40,000 assets spanning airports, rail, transit, static and digital billboards.
About oOh!media
oOh!media has 37,000 digital and static asset locations, including roadsides, retail centres, airports, train stations, bus stops, office towers, cafes, bars and universities. oOh! employs around 800 people across AUNZ. It also owns digital publisher Junkee Media, printing business Cactus, and experiential provider oOh! Experiential.
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