LONDON, Tuesday: Facebook might have lost its charm among younger generations, but, it continues to be the most popular social media platform in the United States, according to Augusta Free Press. YouTube is in the second spot.
Facebook reaches 78% of the US population. Google-owned YouTube reaches 67%.
“Facebook might not be ‘the’ social app for the youth any more, but it still has an impressive reach among adults,” the site reports.
Instagram, owned by the same company as Facebook, is the third-most popular social media platform among US adults. 52% of those surveyed said they regularly used Instagram.
“China’s TikTok is the only platform owned by a non-US company.”
TikTok is the fourth-most popular platform among US adults. The Chinese-based platform was launched in 2016 and is the youngest platform on the list.
Furthermore, it is also the only platform owned by a non-US company to feature in the list. In a short span of time, TikTok has managed to establish significant popularity in the US market. In the survey, 33% of respondents said they regularly use TikTok.
Snapchat, launched in 2011, is slightly behind TikTok in the fifth spot with 32% of surveyed saying they use the app.
Twitter, with 32% is next; Pinterest has 30%; LinkedIn 20%; Reddit 17%, while Twitch has only a 10% reach.
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