MOSCOW, Sunday: A 1997 Pizza Hut tvc starring Soviet Union president Mikhail Gorbachev, who died last week, has gone viral online.
The 60sec ad was released for Pizza Hut in Russia and shows the politician seated in a room as several Russians discuss what he did for their country before toasting him with pizza slices held high.
“It was broadcast in the USA in 1998 – but not in Russia where Gorbachev was widely criticised in the media for taking part.”
The video, which was shot by BBDO, has been shared across social media in the days following his death (Gorbachev passed on Tuesday).
It was broadcast in the United States in 1998, but not in Russia where Gorbachev was widely criticised in the media for taking part in the advertisement.
According to The New York Times, Gorbachev was paid a fee of around US$ 1 million.
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