March 10, 2025


In a world where nearly everyone is always online, there is no offline.

So you want my job? Ian Hulme

Our latest StopPress Series, So you want my job? will see the spotlight turn on those who have some of the coolest jobs in New Zealand’s advertising, media and marketing industries. We get to learn not only who they are, what are their philosophies, inspirations, and thought processes, but also how they got to be in their current position. Daring anyone brave enough to challenge their dominance. From CEOs and creative geniuses to brave business inventors and more, these industry leaders will inspire and amaze. 

Proudly brought to you by Google, So you want my job?, explores the journeys taken to get these top jobs, the challenges, the rewards and advice for those on the rise. 

In this episode, Ian Hulme, Head of Digital Experience at Dentsu Creative Aotearoa, speaks about his current role, the homogenisation of the digital experience, and the best piece of career advice he’s ever received.

Having previously worked for IBM Consulting for five years and before that at BNZ as Head of Digital Marketing, Ian brings with him the ability to offer creative solutions to new problems with his team. He also has a wealth of experience in creative agencies where he met a number of his current dentsu Aotearoa colleagues.

“We often use the phrase that discovery is a team sport. There is always a lot of teamwork taking place in marketing so you’re never on your own trying to solve problems,” he says.

Watch So you want my job? Episode 4

Click here to watch more in the series.

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