AUCKLAND, Monday: Following a search for a new chief media officer, Stanley Street has announced that Emily Scovell will step into this role at the Parnell-based advertising agency.
Stanley Street ceo Siobhan Burke said: “This is a critical role for our future success and the agency is excited to have Emily’s experience and determination to take on this leadership role.”
Scovell has been part of the Stanley Street team since October 2021, as head of media strategy and planning.
Burke: “As well as delivering great work for our clients, she has been a strong advocate of walking the walk when it comes to creative and media integration – a subject she can talk about all day, having delivered a thesis on it before.
“I’m delighted to appoint Emily into the lead media role. Stanley St and our clients are already benefiting from her 1- year experience spanning London and New Zealand, and her proven and award-winning success across strategy, planning and implementation.
“In Emily’s new role we will further harness her amazing background and extensive experience leading large teams. Emily’s tenacity for finding audience insight, new media, and her ability to find innovative ways to use existing media really sets her apart.”
Emily Scovell said: “I came to Stanley St for the integrated opportunity. Being part of the culture here has allowed me to live what this means properly, from theory to practice, and having access to a broader and more diverse group of advertising specialists has allowed me to sharpen my craft skills.
“Media is a key ingredient of Stanley St’s secret sauce. It unlocks our ability to do work no other agency could, delivering results our clients value and potential clients envy.”
“Media is a key ingredient of Stanley Street’s secret sauce. It unlocks our ability to do work no other agency could, delivering results that our clients value and that potential clients envy.”
Recent additions
The appointment of Emily Scovell comes as Stanley Street puts increased focus on digital with the recent addition of Ankit Sehgal to the role of chief digital officer and Jack Lightfoot as the new head of search (scroll down for the link).
Ankit Sehgal came to Stanley St as the former chief digital officer for and Jack Lightfood, originally from the UK, joined the team following a recent stint across the Tasman as Starcom Australia’s national search solutions director.
Siobhan Burke: “This focus on driving efficient client growth through strategic innovation, creative automation and data-led strategy is another step Stanley St are taking towards ensuring they harness the power of intelligence to achieve real world results and value for clients.
“The beauty of Stanley Street is that we are both digitally focussed yet our experience and insights give us the ability to continue to deliver channels critical to our clients’ needs.” Siobhan Burke said.
“Emily Scovell brings us energy and experience to keep us focussed on identifying opportunities for clients who always want to stay ahead of the market trends.
As part of the wider Waitapu Group whānau we also have a unique ability to draw on expertise and capabilities such as in-house production, in-store and OOH channels and cultural expertise, with brands such as HYPER, Tātou and Culture.”
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