March 11, 2025


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Special launches creative scholarship for Māori rangatahi through AUT

AUCKLAND, Today: Special Aotea – the culturally led, creative, strategic and business rōpū (group) within Special – has launched a fully paid scholarship, open for young Māori students with the goal to create more pathways into the creative industry.

Special GM John Marshall (Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Maniapoto) said: “The two-year scholarship is for completion of a bachelor’s degree programme at AUT focussed on advertising, design and creative, and is just one tenant of the Special Pathways Programme.

“The programme also includes mentorship with senior staff across the business at Special and will also include a paid internship during semester breaks to give students theoretical and practical experience during their study. 

“I was lucky enough to be given an opportunity in the creative industry at a young age, but believe that there still remains a lack of pathways for our young people.”

“As an Aotearoa-owned and founded organisation we understand it is our responsibility to live up to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and to also provide more opportunities for young Māori.

“I was lucky enough to be given an opportunity in the creative industry at a young age, but believe that there still remains a lack of awareness or pathways for our young people.

“It is our hope that with the Special Pathways Programme and the scholarship with AUT we can help the next generation of rangatahi discover the amazing opportunities the advertising and marketing industry has to offer.”

  • Applications for the scholarship here

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