In 1952, Revlon created one of the most iconic, paradigm-shifting ad campaigns known as "Fire & Ice," which put a...
Year: 2023
Full-service communications and PR agency, Pead, has grown its corporate team with the appointment of Kimberley Ross-Guilford as the team’s...
To promote the Barbie movie, premiering July 21, Warner Bros. Discovery and Snapchat launched an augmented reality campaign featuring virtual...
When MediaMath filed for bankruptcy last week, the company’s co-founder and former CEO, Joe Zawadzki, was on the outside looking...
Tracy Watkins, a respected senior editor, has assumed the position of Editor at The Post, the Capital’s leading newspaper and...
In today's episode of Let's Talk About Brand, we sat down with Yash Chavan, founder of the influencer marketing platform...
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Europe? More Like ‘You’re Out’ European data privacy laws...
WELLINGTON, Wednesday: Respected senior editor Tracy Watkins has been appointed as the new editor of leading newspaper and digital site...
It's been an interesting few months for Bud Light, which found itself embroiled in anti-LGBTQ+ criticism and calls for a...
Phrasee, a UK-based SaaS platform that uses generative AI to create, test and optimize content for large enterprise companies, has...