Neal Richter, who spent two years as Rakuten Marketing CTO, is headed to SpotX as the company’s first ever chief...
The former CTO of Disney ABC Television, Michael Napodano, who also spent a decade at NBCUniversal, joined Operative on Monday...
This article is sponsored by TiVo.Pay-TV customers have never had more options. According to a study by Ampere Analysis, streaming...
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Power Players Google is preparing for an antitrust investigation...
Apple’s high-profile assault on third-party tracking continues.Starting with iOS 13 in the fall, users will be able to log in...
As more people increasingly listen to podcasts, the advertiser dollars are following. As a result, podcasting is poised to become...
Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is the only traditional media that’s still showing growth, but some advertisers are holding back, because the...
When nutritional supplement company Transparent Labs ran a video on social media as its first-ever marketing campaign, it didn’t expect...
Amazon’s acquisition of Sizmek’s ad server and dynamic creative optimization (DCO) platform Friday puts it in a better position to...
"Brand Aware” explores the data-driven digital ad ecosystem from the marketer's point of view.Today's column is written by Alex Weinstein, senior...