Industry Preview is a special, limited-run audio series, featuring interviews with key leaders in marketing, media and technology who share their...
The DSP Beeswax, founded in 2014 by ad tech gadfly Ari Paparo, is off the market. Comcast’s video ad tech...
Comcast's ad-tech division FreeWheel is to acquire Beeswax, a buy-side startup headed by influential programmatic personality Ari Paparo. Financial terms...
The recent shift away from second-price auctions toward a first-price model, spurred on by Google, has led to new methods...
The demand-side platform Beeswax launched a data warehouse product Monday that company CEO Ari Paparo described as analogous to Google’s...
While most DSPs let marketers increase or decrease bids based on factors like time of day, Beeswax is upgrading that...
Beeswax raised $15 million in Series B funding which it will use to support connected TV and win marketer clients....
Pity the ad tech middleman. They place an ad on behalf of the advertiser, but when it comes time to...
“Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media....
Since its founding in 2000, Legendary Entertainment’s slate of 50 films has certainly lived up to its name, with a...