Tipsy Scoop serves up sweet treats like spiked mint chip and vanilla bean bourbon that are meant to deliver a...
Measurement companies are looking to measure up ahead of the upfront season, with Nielsen making "big data" announcements and the...
Chief marketing officer. Chief brand officer. Chief operating and marketing officer. Chief commercial and strategy officer. None of these job...
You know that scene in “Being John Malkovich” where John Malkovich, playing a version of himself, enters his own mind...
Nexxen announced an integration with out-of-home ad tech platform Taiv to extend its CTV ad campaigns to TV screens in...
Estate Media launched in September as an online hub for real estate and home improvement content. It hopes to hook...
Will log-file data ever not be a mess? Doubt it. But the TAG TrustNet program, which was launched two years...
YouTube is being upfront about its Brandcast plans. Top line Today, YouTube announced that it would return to upfront week...
Sincera doesn’t fall neatly into an existing category. When the data startup – which closed its $ 4.2 million seed funding...
At first, Francesca Willow ignored the partnership inquiry she received from a Texas-based oil and gas company in mid-May. But...