Airliner Virgin Atlantic named Lucky Generals as its lead creative agency to take charge of the development of a multimarket...
A new app launched ahead of Mother's Day invokes Victor Hugo Green's historic Green Book as it attempts to help...
About a year after the pandemic was declared a national emergency in America, concerts are still scarce and music lovers...
During their 2020 season, the Milwaukee Bucks had the NBA's best record, the league's Most Valuable Player, and the best...
From challenging societal norms to fighting for equal rights, women are consistently at the forefront championing for change amongst underrepresented...
Arts-and-crafts retailer Michaels teamed up with R/GA to bring three virtual holiday shopping experiences to Pinterest, starting Saturday (Oct. 31)....
The Covid-19 pandemic has devastated the experiential industry this year, forcing brands to cancel pop-up events and agencies to lay...
Disney’s Q3 revenue plummeted 42% to $ 11.8 billion, as the coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc across its lines of business....