The Recount, a three-year-old digital news organization founded by longtime journalists John Battelle and John Heilemann, presented its streaming video...
“Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media....
Humans have a built-in flaw: They have difficulty imagining their "future selves." A recent study from the University of California...
Having an eco-friendly brand strategy has taken center stage for leaders in the food and beverage space in recent years....
A Steve Aoki stage performance can involve many things. Stunningly elaborate visual effects. Strobe lights. Cake throwing. A collection of...
Los Angeles-based creative director Vikas Bhalla's interests in design and advertising were sparked at an early age. "I grew up...
By Søren H. Dinesen, CEO and founder of Digiseg If you are Gen X or (gasp!) a boomer, you remember...
Today, aligning with Earth Day, oOh!media New Zealand announced the launch of its new sustainable initiative, ‘The Positive Impact Project’,...
The UK-based media company Future plc. announced Wednesday the official launch of a new title, called TechRadar Gaming (TRG), that...
Two years after the pandemic shuttered a wave of alternative-weekly publishers across the country, the industry has emerged from the...