AUCKLAND, Today: Adding to its four recent wins at the Drum Awards, OMD NZ has added another two notches to...
AUCKLAND, Today: Erna Basson’s beauty brand Frula Beauty has appointed Auckland based as its PR agency for its launch...
AUCKLAND, Thursday: Following a competitive pitch, DDB Aotearoa has been awarded the business of TSB, with the 100% NZ-owned bank...
Google recently began testing Topics API, the latest part of its Chrome Privacy Sandbox. It's a significant improvement over FLoC,...
The first anniversary of the NCAA enacting its NIL (name, image, likeness) policy is approaching, and student sports stars entering...
Ogilvy has come out on top of Audi's eight-month review to pick a new U.S. creative agency of record. Sources...
AUCKLAND, Today: Leading AUNZ technology-based insights agency Perceptive has secured a new project with Trade Me, which will see them...
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. RIP, DTC. LUV, ATT. The Q1 earnings reports for...
Following a competitive pitch process, independent Auckland-based agency HeyYou has been appointed across creative, PR and social for new luxury...
Programmers are busily making their selections for Team Alternative Measurement. On Thursday, Comcast announced its first pick: VideoAmp. “New types...