The growing interest in the development of virtual environments, described by some as "the metaverse," has reached a new audience...
Budweiser is bringing a first-party data approach to its FIFA World Cup sponsorship, a sign of shifting priorities for many...
Fandom is building out a full-funnel offering for marketers. And its acquisition of several media brands from Red Ventures is...
More than two-and-a-half years since Covid-19 arrived, large swaths of the labor force continue to work from home. They're still...
What’s the ETA on publishers testing SDA? The IAB Tech Lab’s seller-defined audience (SDA) spec is touted as a key...
Procter & Gamble's chief brand officer Marc Pritchard said it best: It's time to "double down." That sentiment may feel...
The parade of data-driven ad platform launches by companies that don’t traditionally monetize through advertising seemingly cannot be stopped. In...
At this year's Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, Spotify focused on the future. The company believes that audio is front...
Jeanelle Teves lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, where the sidewalks are jammed with UPPAbaby strollers. And now...
“The Sell Sider” is a column written by the sell side of the digital media community. Today’s column is written...