Despite their shared passion for the sport, there is a lack of British Asians playing professional football, an issue computer...
Logitech, a Swiss-based maker of computer peripherals and software, named Najoh Tita-Reid as its new global CMO, the brand said...
Iris has named Claire Humphris as its London CEO, promoted from global CMO following the imminent departure of Chris Marlow....
Fire and Emergency New Zealand and FCB NZ have launched their new campaign, “Firefighters Don’t Like Fire Movies”, showing how...
Promotions are afoot at Fallon, the Minneapolis-based agency owned by Publicis Groupe that, in recent years at least, has become...
Erica Hoholick is taking on two new roles at Atlanta-based independent agency 22squared. The shop has promoted Hoholick, who joined...
Special Group has announced the promotion of Storm Day from Head of Client Services to the role of General Manager. ...
Geometry, the "creative commerce" agency that WPP folded into VMLY&R last month, has promoted Manuel Bord? to global chief creative...
A global campaign has been launched this week to grow awareness, preference and demand for New Zealand food and beverage...
BBDO veteran Michael Aimette has taken on the co-chief creative officer role at FCB New York. He'll work alongside Gabriel...