Fox is ready to face reality with its fall lineup. Following a delay due to the ongoing writers strike, Fox...
To celebrate the Season 3 premiere of its original martial arts series Warrior, streaming platform Max partnered with multicultural artists...
Giving brands a new way to interact with consumers, mobile developer Niantic launched its Rewarded AR ad format, which will...
Minor league baseball team the Worcester Red Sox (nicknamed the WooSox) partnered with Workers Credit Union, virtual and augmented reality...
Warner Bros. Pictures is letting people dress up like superheroes in augmented reality to promote the premiere of The Flash...
Pet health and wellness company Better Choice is utilizing augmented reality to promote its line of Halo Elevate dog food....
Apple has a knack for making privacy-related product announcements that cast aspersions on the data practices of any company whose...
As part of its Disney100 celebration, Disney launched Wonder of Friendship: The Experience, a pop-up exhibition with interactive areas themed...
Do we need to temporarily pause AI development? What are the ethical risks of AI technology? What’s the weirdest AI-generated...
To view one of the stranger assortments of merchandise out there, look no further than Temu. If you haven’t heard...