March 19, 2025


In a world where nearly everyone is always online, there is no offline.

Newspapers up

AUCKLAND, Today: NZ’s daily newspaper readership inched steadily upwards in the latest Nielsen (Q4 20 – Q1 21), reaching a total of 1,290,000 readers daily (against 1,254,00 in the previous measurement period).

The NZ Herald reached 654,000 (612,000), the Waikato Times scored 72,000 (67,000), the Dominion Post 168,000 (166,000), The Press 137,000 (136,000), and the Otago Daily Times 106,000 (107,000).

Weekly newspapers also grew reader numbers. Sunday News scored 112,000 (100,000), Sunday Star-Times 242,000 (235,000) and Herald on Sunday 403,000 (362,000).

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