March 4, 2025


In a world where nearly everyone is always online, there is no offline.

Diving deep into creative dialogue: Q&A with Ogilvy’s Chelsea Siestes, AWARD School Tutor

AUCKLAND, Today: Chelsea Siestes, Senior Creative at Ogilvy NZ, knows firsthand the impact AWARD School can have on aspiring creatives, marketers, and more.

As a returning tutor for the 2025 online program, she shares why AWARD is for anyone with a love for ideas, lateral thinking, and problem-solving—no matter your background or experience. 

AWARD School is for anyone who has a passion for creativity and ideas”. To what extent would you agree with that description, or who would you say this course is for? 

AWARD is for anyone with a love of thinking laterally and problem-solving. ‘Creativity’ can feel so intimidating, or artsy, but really, if you’re a storyteller or curious about finding new spaces in your brain then AWARD is for you. We had the most incredible mix of students last year, including a second-time mum on mat leave and a digi designer wanting to go deeper into conceptual thinking so it’s really for anyone who loves challenging traditional ways of thinking. 

Why have you re-signed on as a tutor in 2025?/ What is the most rewarding thing about tutoring AWARD School? 

It has to be watching students have the ‘aha moment’ when suddenly advertising thinking clicks. Matt and I have shouted a lot “fuck yes!” in our tute group when these moments of brilliance and confidence appear. It’s cheesy, but it is such a privilege to help people discover their inner creative. 

Can you share a memorable tute moment from last year? 

Yes! There was a print brief for tattoo removal and while nearly everyone turned to humour, one of our students tapped into their own cultural identity and observations as a person who actively works in Māori spaces and created really powerful work from a human truth that only they could discover. It was so incredible to see this person stop doing what they thought was the ‘right idea’ and start concepting through their own unique lens. 

What will students get out of the course, and more specifically, the online program that you help tutor? 

Online is such a great way to take on AWARD. On the surface, it might seem like you’re missing out on all the interactivity our Aussie friends get, but it’s actually a really collaborative experience, plus you won’t have a commute. If you end up in our tute group, you’ll get a lot of dad jokes from Matt and all the mentoring we wish we’d had coming into adland. I’d guarantee that online will be just as epic as IRL. 

How has your approach to creativity evolved throughout your career 

I used to do the work that I thought would impress my creative directors or that the client would easily buy I wasn’t satisfied or getting anywhere. Now my creative process is much more about solving the problem in a way that gets me excited enough to fight for it. 

What recent local campaigns have inspired you and why? 

I’ve loved the BNZ apology to Russell Westbrook to promote their investment in basketball. It’s simple, funny and backing a growing sport that isn’t just rugby is the closest a bank will get to almost being cool. 

What’s the one golden nugget of advice you’d share with anyone who’s on the fence about applying for AWARD School? 

It’s tough, but so are you. Leave your ego at the door, but do bring every single thought to class, even if you think it (your idea) is a bit s%$ t 

AWARD School 2025 applications open on 6 February. Want to learn how to craft a winning submission? Tune into the Virtual Info Night on Tuesday 4 February. Register here.

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