From the well-meaning but hapless skateboarding foster dad depicted by British retailer John Lewis in its 2022 Christmas ad to...
Deal IDs are helping publishers package their audience data while providing advertisers the flexibility and transparency that they’ve desired for...
AUCKLAND, Friday: The Comms Council has lent its support for the 24th Kyiv International Advertising Festival (KIAF), which has issued...
When it comes to consent and the fight against sexual and gender-based violence, the phrase "no means no" has long...
Ask most industry experts about the advantage of advertising on streaming platforms, and chances are they will tell you “better...
Tired in 2022: Growth at all costs. Wired in 2023: Realistic ad tech valuations. A return to Earth for ad...
When faced with a recession, brands should focus on fundamental changes that save money and drive efficiency while seeking ways...
In 2020, UK-based advertising trade org ISBA and PwC found that publishers receive just 51% of ad spend and that...
Dentsu and Kantar have launched Marketing a Better Future, a flagship study exploring the role APAC marketers play in achieving corporate sustainability...
Right now, I’m shopping online for a very important purchase: I’m trying to find the right remedy for my allergies....