The Netflix documentary Speed Cubers is filled with surprises. On the surface, one might think that the Sue Kim-directed film...
Chatroom platform Discord has named Tesa Aragones, former marketing head of photography app VSCO, as its new CMO following a...
Former StopPress editor, Courtney Devereux, has launched a new site titled Nak-Ed, New Zealand’s first content website with a focus...
TV measurement company VideoAmp has hired Jonathan Steuer, former chief research officer of Omnicom Media Group, to help bring audience-based...
A former employee of MuteSix, a DTC-specialized agency acquired by Dentsu Aegis Network in 2019, is suing the agency, alleging...
Kylie Green, former managing director of Dentsu Aegis Network, has launched her own talent management and brand partnerships agency, The...
An age and gender discrimination lawsuit filed against Detroit-based MDC Partners agency Doner has been cleared to move ahead, as...
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