When Apple debuted its HomePod voice-activated assistant in 2018, the brand blew the world's collective mind with "Welcome Home," its...
"The Sell Sider” is a column written for the sell side of the digital media community. Today’s column is written...
The ad industry is partially pinning its hopes on email as legacy identifiers get knocked off one by one. But...
Key Insight: Some hope Apple will become more collegiate in its approach to the in-app advertising ecosystem. Apple is Silicon...
In light of Apple’s decision to delay enforcement of its opt-in feature in iOS 14, Facebook will keep on collecting...
The developer community welcomed Apple’s recent move to delay the rollout of its IDFA changes in iOS 14 until “early...
Welcome to First Things First, Adweek's daily resource for marketers. We'll be publishing the content to First Things First on...
SKAdNetwork is Apple’s homegrown solution for attribution. Apple itself verifies when clicks lead to installs and shares that information directly...
Even as mobile ad platforms get their houses in order as Apple restricts IDFA in iOS 14, there are still...
Like all companies invested in the mobile ecosystem, Google is getting ready for iOS 14. But the company is playing...