AppNexus’s new telco owner, AT&T, has withdrawn it from the Advertising ID Consortium, a shared industry cookie ID it co-founded...
A weekly comic strip from AdExchanger that highlights the digital advertising ecosystem... AdExchanger: OriginsAdExchanger: Crisis In Ad City (Part I)AdExchanger: Crisis In...
Development of the Advertising ID Consortium, a shared cookie-based ID service for programmatic companies, has stalled as two of the...
Turner inventory will soon be available through the AppNexus ad platform, AT&T top dog Randall Stephenson said at an event Wednesday.Speaking...
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here.Time Will Telco There’s plenty of pressure on Brian Lesser...
The Wall Street Journal’s revelation Friday that Tim Armstrong, leader of Verizon’s Oath media and advertising group, is in talks...
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here.Retired, But Not Resting Justice Department appeal or not, AT&T...
"On TV And Video" is a column exploring opportunities and challenges in advanced TV and video.Today’s column is written by...
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here.Back To The Bench The US Justice Department is appealing...
"On TV And Video" is a column exploring opportunities and challenges in advanced TV and video.Today’s column is written by...