Pamela Levine is joining Disney General Entertainment as head of marketing for Disney Branded Television and National Geographic Content. Disney...
In a stunning turn of events, Peter Rice--Disney's top TV content executive--is out at the company. He was fired today...
Following upfront week presentations, Adweek is sitting down with all the presenting ad sales chiefs for postmortem conversations about their...
In its first in-person upfront week presentation since 2019, Disney wanted marketers to marvel. On Tuesday afternoon, the House of...
Disney is putting Netflix on notice. On Wednesday, Disney held its earnings call for the second fiscal quarter of 2022,...
Disney has made significant progress when it comes to its diversity, equity and inclusion efforts--the content itself has come a...
A weekly comic strip from AdExchanger that highlights the digital advertising ecosystem… The post Comic: TFW Disney+ Goes AVOD appeared first on...
Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign up here. Addressable Mouse-holds Ads are coming to Disney+. After an...
What do theme parks and streaming have in common? Together, they helped Disney beat expectations this quarter. Revenue for the...
Netflix's stock took a nosedive last month after the streamer added fewer subscribers than anticipated last quarter, but its biggest...