TikTok recently debuted a new editing feature called Stitch, which allows users to clip content from another user's video and...
“The Sell Sider” is a column written by the sell side of the digital media community. Today's column is written...
The closure of Bauer and several of its well-loved titles has been disappointing for many, however one of the titles...
AT&T is reportedly exploring a sale of Xandr, the ad tech unit it launched in 2018 with lofty ambitions to...
Isobar U.S. CEO Deb Boyda will step down from her current role and leave the broader Dentsu Aegis Network holding...
Facebook recently debuted Facebook Shop, a section within the Facebook mobile application that allows users to browse products, discover new...
Key insight: Fashion and interior design are linked by storytelling and self-expression. With large swaths of the U.S. still hunkered...
Key Insight: The addition of originals from other ViacomCBS properties helps fill the gap left by production delays. Covid-19 upended...
In an era in which facial recognition has made it easy for law enforcement and other organizations to search someone's...
AUCKLAND, Today: Four months after the Bauer exit, North & South is back in business with a new team. Career...