Before the metaverse, there was The Sims. For over two decades, the Electronic Arts (EA) gaming franchise has allowed users...
Flexibility has already become the word of the year: Flexible hours. Flexible workdays. Flexible geographies. Flexible work environments. Anything and...
Google announced the latest updates to its shopping ad products at Google Marketing Live on Tuesday, with changes on the...
Welcome to Marketing Morsels, a menu of delightful news items from the past week. Enjoy the assortment! Morsel #1: Journey...
The digital world is still not a fully inclusive place. In a global study last year from the Institute of...
While a healthy chunk of adults in the U.S. still believe there should be more government regulation of major technology...
Welcome to Marketing Morsels, a menu of delightful news items from the past week. Enjoy the assortment! Morsel #1: Spanx...
Google is launching a new preference center so people can more easily manage their privacy settings, opt out of personalized...
Quick question. Are customer satisfaction surveys: a) outdated, b) annoying, c) useless or d) all of the above? The correct...
The Recount, a three-year-old digital news organization founded by longtime journalists John Battelle and John Heilemann, presented its streaming video...