In November 1991, Chelsea Clinton was at her father's presidential campaign headquarters stuffing envelopes while a news segment aired. Magic...
Four years ago, independent media agency Horizon Media took stock of the work it was doing for clients and realized...
Criteo is all about agencies now. On Wednesday, during its full-year 2021 earnings call, the company announced the start of...
In an Elevate Publishing discussion on Tuesday about what makes modern media companies successful, Vox Media CEO Jim Bankoff hit...
Having secured major media client wins with Ferrero and Walmart in recent weeks, Publicis Groupe has continued to see its...
"The Sell Sider" is a column written by the sell side of the digital media community. Today's column is written...
The Ozy Media scandal is a flameout for the ages, complete with wildly inflated audience numbers and an FBI probe...
Group Nine Media, publisher of NowThis, PopSugar, The Dodo, Thrillist and Seeker, is making a play for direct-response ad budgets,...
On this week's episode of Adweek's weekly podcast, Yeah, That's Probably an Ad, co-hosts David Griner and Ko Im are...
For Bloomberg Media, green initiatives mean green returns. Bloomberg Green, the environmentally focused sub-brand of Bloomberg Media, announced its newest...